Ted Nugent has responded after a venue in Birmingham, Alabama, cancelled his upcoming show due to social media backlash.
It all started when it was announced that the guitarist — who is outwardly conservative and a longtime supporter of Donald Trump — would be performing at the Avondale Brewing Co. venue on July 18 as part of his Adios Mofo farewell tour. The post about the concert had thousands of comments protesting the show and Nugent’s right-wing political views, according to AL, which led to venue to cancel the show.
“We have heard the concerns of the Avondale community, which is so important to us, and in conjunction with our partners, have taken the necessary steps to to cancel the Ted Nugent concert scheduled for July 18,” the venue wrote.
Nugent took to Twitter on Friday (May 5) to respond to a story about the situation, retweeting an article and writing, “liars & haters drunk on stupid incapable to debate me.”
The ringer has most recently come under fire recently for his transphobic tweets and remarks, most recently blasting Anheuser-Busch for working with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. “How can they possibly have a meeting around the table and come to the conclusion that they’re going to piss in the face of the people who pay their salaries?” he said on a recent episode of Newsmax’s Eric Bolling the Balance about the brand’s “core consumer demographic,” seemingly referring to conservatives. “This is the epitome of cultural deprivation in an ongoing tsunami of cultural deprivation.”
His history of disturbing remarks also includes saying that survivors of the Parkland school shooting are wrong to blame the NRA for mass shootings and that the Florida students calling for gun control have “no soul” and are “mushy brained children.”
He also tested positive for COVID-19 in 2021, months after he said the virus was “not a real pandemic,” and weighed in on the Ferguson decision in 2014 that let police officer Darren Wilson walk scot-free after shooting and killing unarmed civilian Michael Brown. “Here’s the lessons from Ferguson America- Don’t let your kids growup to be thugs who think they can steal, assault & attack cops as a way of life & badge of black (dis)honor. Don’t preach your racist bulls— ‘no justice no peace’ as blabbered by Obama’s racist Czar Al Not So Sharpton & their black klansmen,” he wrote in his deeply offensive post at the time.