Garth Brooks has another #1 hit with “Rodeo Man,” it’s from his new album, Time Traveler. He wrote it with a couple of good friends… including Ronnie Dunn and says it all started with a text. Garth tells us more:
“We’ve become texting buddies, Ronnie and I have. And a kind of a friend that was the bridge of ours was Rob Hajacos. Rob Hajacos played fiddle on everything we ever did, and played everything that Brooks and Dunn ever did. And so, through Rob, we became buddies. And texted me a song called ‘Rodeo Man’ that he was working on. I just texted back one word. ‘Smash.’ And then I tried to figure out some way to get my foot in the door, and he said, ‘Sure – go ahead and take a shot at it!’ And then what we ended up doing was marrying the two performances.” :29 OC: the two performances.